Music is a deep motivator for creating. Many ideas come just from one song and at this time I was listening heavily to the soundtrack from the film Midsommar. For me, it’s the first time I’ve listened to anything hauntingly beautiful, and if you’ve seen the film, the Director Ari Aster’s style of storytelling is haunting. Adding The Haxan Cloak’s music on top of his storytelling was a unique collaboration. It’s funny, Midsommar may have been the inspiration to use the music for an idea but the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was the final idea I needed. Being birthed old, and has you get older you become younger. It’s a unique perspective and one I wanted to try to act out with Animation/Acting techniques. At this time, it was close to golden hour, and many people were at the park. I just needed to get a shot of me alone doing this idea, so I did it over and over again, when a person would walk across the screen. Seeing people stare and wonder why I was acting like an old man gave me a good laugh at myself. Yes, it was awkward and odd, but like any other idea, I have to do it.
Dallas, Tx